October 2nd Meeting

Camas County Commissioners Public Hearing

October 2, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 6:06 p.m. by Chairman Travis Kramer.  Also present were Commissioner Marshall Ralph, Commissioner Bill Davis, Prosecuting Attorney Matt Pember, Planning and Zoning Administrator Dwight Butlin, Clerk Korri Blodgett, and numerous individuals from the public. Two sign in sheets were provided for general attendance and the other for comment.  Written comments were received but will not be read, copies are available from the clerk’s office.

Commissioners Kramer read the Camas County Planning & Zoning Commissions staff report.  To help the public understand the process, Commissioner Kramer outlined the timelines and procedures that were followed.

The Board then took public comments from those that were for and against the amendment.

Commissioner Kramer states that all previous hearings have been recorded and taken into account.  Legal counsel Matt Pember suggested setting deliberations in a couple of weeks to allow for the public to plan attending, but no public comments will be allowed.  The Board will set deliberations October 23rd at 1:00 p.m.  Commissioner Kramer stated the public hearing is closed and no further comments to be allowed.

The Board adjourned at 7:28 p.m.


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Travis Kramer, Chairman                                     Korri Blodgett, Clerk