December 26th Minutes

Camas County Commissioners Meeting

December 26, 2017


The meeting was called to order at order at 9:05 by Chairman Travis Kramer.  Also present were Commissioner Marshall Ralph, Commissioner Bill Davis, Prosecuting Attorney Matt Pember, and Clerk Korri Blodgett.

The Board reviewed the Agenda.  Commissioner Davis made a motion to approve the Agenda as posted.  Seconded by Commissioner Ralph.  Unanimous.

The Board discussed the Family Health Services Lease Agreement.  After numerous discussions with FHS, it was agreed that the utilities will be in the County’s name and that the contract will be for a 1-year term.  The County will continue monthly support to the Camas Medical Fund in the amount of $300.00 plus $200.00 medical funds restricted money, leaving the FHS the balance as in prior years.  Commissioner Ralph made a motion to approve and sign the amended contract as provided.  Seconded by Commissioner Davis.  Unanimous.

Commissioner Ralph made a motion to amend the agenda to include discussing pending litigation, as it is a time sensitive matter.  Seconded by Commissioner Davis. Unanimous.

Prosecuting Attorney Matt Pember discussed a settlement offer from Mr. Ben Worst, Esq.  After discussion, Mr. Pember felt it was in the County’s best interest to accept the settlement offer and to dismiss the Appeal to the Supreme Court.  Commissioner Ralph made motions accept the settlement and sign the Order of Dismissal of Appeal.  Seconded by Commissioner Davis.  Unanimous.

The Board reviewed an Airgas, Inc. application.   This service would provide for Airgas to provide and deliver Oxygen tanks, on a regular basis to the Medical Clinic for the Ambulance Dept.  Commissioner Ralph made a motion to sign the application agreement.  Seconded by Commissioner Davis.  Unanimous.

The Board reviewed the St Luke’s Health System Education Affiliation Agreement.  The Agreement would provide training for the basic EMT class at one of the St Luke’s locations.  After discussion the Board felt there needed to be clarification on how this will proceed concerning transportation, if there would be mileage involved, ect.  Commissioner Ralph will discuss the matter with The EMT Board and review the matter at a later date.

The Board reviewed a Draft letter, provided by Commissioner Ralph, to the Forest Service regarding the errors on a map.  Terry Platts joined the meeting and expressed his opinions on the matter.   Terry would like to provide a letter in support on the mapping error corrections.  The Board will review the drafts again in January.

Commissioner Kramer made a motion to go into executive session per Idaho Code 74-206(1)(a)&(b) to consider personnel matters.  A roll call vote showed all in favor.  The Board entered Executive Session at 10:05 a.m.  The Board came out of Executive session at 10:54 a.m.

The Board reviewed liquor license applications from Smoky Bar Store, The American Legion, Soldier Mtn. LLC., Camas Creek Country Store, and the Iron Mtn.  Inn.  Commissioner Davis made a motion to approve the liquor licenses.  Seconded by Commissioner Ralph.  Unanimous.

The Board reviewed the Annual Road and Street Financial Report.  Commissioner Davis made a motion to approve and sign the Annual report.  Seconded by Commissioner Ralph.  Unanimous.

The Board adjourned at 11:25 a.m.
