January 8th Minutes



January 8, 2018


The meeting was called to order at 9:07 a.m. by Chairman Travis Kramer. Also present were Commissioner Bill Davis, Commissioner Marshall Ralph, Clerk Korri Blodgett, and an individual from the public.

The Board reviewed the Agenda.  Commissioner Davis made a motion to approve the Agenda as posted.  Seconded by Commissioner Ralph.  Unanimous.

Commissioner Ralph made a motion to elect Commissioner Kramer as Chairman for 2018.  Seconded by Commissioner Davis.  Unanimous.  Commissioner Davis made a motion to elect Commissioner Ralph for Vice President of the Board.  Seconded by Commissioner Kramer. Unanimous.

The Board reviewed the meeting minutes of December 11, 18, and 26, 2017.  Commissioner Davis made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected.  Seconded by Commissioner Ralph.  Unanimous.

The Board discussed redistricting.  There has been no changes in population since 2016, when boundaries were adjusted.

The Board reviewed an updated draft letter to the Forest Service provided by Commissioner Ralph, regarding the Motor Vehicle Use Map error truncating FS 889 at the USGS Topo Map Matchline.

The Board reviewed the Joint Powers Agreement.  Commissioner Ralph made a motion to approve and sign.  Seconded by Commissioner Davis.  Unanimous.

The Board revised the updated Family Health Services Lease Agreement.  The clerk voiced her opinion of it being legal counsel’s responsibility to take care of the conversations relating to the contracts and not hers.  Chairman Kramer signed the agreement as it had been approved with the amendments on December 26, 2017.

The Board recessed at 10:50 a.m. to attend a funeral for Mr. Reedy.

The Board reconvened at 1:00 p.m.

The Board met with Public Defense Commission Brianne McCoy and Camas County Public Defender Stephen Thompson to update and review the PDC guidelines.  She pointed out the requirements that need to be met by March 2018.  Camas County has complied with most of the conditions and are working on initial appearance requirements.  Grant applications will be available in February and will need to be submitted by the end of May.

Mike Dettori, Dave Skinner, Mike Gill, and Steven Yearsly met with the Board to review the scoping notice for the South Fork Boise River Road Relocation Project.

Commissioner Ralph made a motion to approve and sign the Education Affiliation Agreement with St. Luke’s Health System Ltd.   Seconded by Commissioner Davis.  Unanimous.

The Board reviewed a contract with First American Title to provide property information access.  Commissioner Davis made a motion to sign the contract Agreement with First American Title.  Seconded by Commissioner Ralph.  Unanimous.

The Board reviewed the bills as presented on the claims list.  Commissioner Ralph made a motion to approve the bills.  Seconded by Commissioner Davis.  Unanimous.

Expenditure Funds:  December Expenditures

Justice Fund $10,481.25 Current Expense $10,622.50
Indigent $7,344.57 Road & Bridge $75,664.75
District Court $4,017.82 Revaluation $400.00
Health $500.00 Landfill $360.00
Noxious Weeds $1,148.17 Ambulance $4,569.99
911 Communications $1,194.78 State Fund $20,171.98
City of Fairfield $77,379.51 School District #121 $335,149.38
Cemetery District $2,346.67 West Magic Fire Dist. $2,662.12
Camas Mosquito Dist. $5,182.12 Camas County Library $41,464.60
Elections $535.00 Tort Fund $00.00
December  Payroll $119,926.74 December Totals $601,464.60



_______________________                                      _______________________

Travis Kramer, Chairman                                           Korri Blodgett, Clerk