June 2015 Minutes

June 8, 2015

The meeting was called to order at 9:02 a.m. by Chairman Barb McMurdo.  Also present were Commissioner Ron Chapman, Commissioner Ken Backstrom, Prosecuting Attorney Matt Pember, and Clerk Korri Blodgett.

The Board reviewed the Agenda.  Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to approve the Agenda as posted.  Seconded by Commissioner Chapman. Unanimous.

The Board briefly discussed asking the prosecutor and sheriff to investigate an individual that has died and owes the county money.

Mayor Scott Marolf met with the Board to discuss the lots that the Sheriff’s office sits on.  Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to have the prosecutor draft up a quitclaim deed to transfer the property that the Sheriff’s office sits on to the City.  Seconded by Commissioner Chapman.  Unanimous.

Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to support the Camas County Weed Superintendent in obtaining funding through the Southern Idaho Resource Advisory Committee (RAC) for fiscal year 2015.  These funds will be used for weed control activities on US Forest Service Lands located in the Fairfield Ranger District, Camas County Idaho.  Seconded by Commissioner Chapman.  Unanimous.

US Forest Service Mike Dettori met with the Board to discuss support of RAC projects submitted by the Fairfield Ranger District. The Sawtootth Avalanche Center Weather Station Installations and Upgrades promotes public safety and recreation opportunities through the installation of two remote weather stations in avalanche prone areas frequented by motorized recreationists in Camas County. Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to submit a letter in support.  Seconded by Commissioner Chapman.  Unanimous.  Mike also discussed a proposal to increase Christmas tree permit fees from $5.00 to $ 10.00.  Mike also discussed the Man-made park project.

Blaine County Waterways coordinator Lamar Waters met with the Board to request support at Magic Reservoir.    Mr. Waters is requesting annual funding of $1000, to help support and improve waterways recreation, accessibility, and safety.  Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to approve funding to help support these projects.   Seconded by Commissioner Chapman.  Unanimous.

Welfare Services Director Annie Frostenson met with the Board to review indigent case # 1C-2015-10009.

Commissioner McMurdo made a motion to go into Executive Session per Idaho Code 67-2345(10(d) to consider records that are exempt from disclosure.  A roll call vote showed all in favor.  The Board entered into Executive session at 11:08 a.m. After a motion duly made, seconded and unanimous. The board came out of executive session.

Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to deny, as applicant has requested and sent in a withdrawal letter.  Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to deny Indigent Case #1C-2015-10009. Seconded by Commissioner Chapman.  Unanimous.

Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to nominate Commissioner Terry Kramer and Tom Faulkner to serve on the Board of Health for South Central Public Health District.  Seconded by Commissioner Chapman.  Unanimous.

The Board discussed the new docks out at Kids Pond.    On May 18th the Board had approved $500.00 in support of a new dock.  Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to amend and approve $521.81, for the actual cost.  Seconded by Commissioner Chapman.  Unanimous.

The Board reviewed the bills. Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to approve the bills as presented on the Claims List.  Seconded by Commissioner Chapman.  Unanimous.   Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to approve the bill submitted by Valley Service.  Seconded by Commissioner McMurdo.  Commissioner Chapman recused himself from voting.

The Board reviewed the May 11th, 18th and 26th meeting minutes.  Commissioner Chapman made a motion to approve the minutes as amended.  Seconded by Commissioner Backstrom.  Unanimous.



__________________________                                                           _____________________________

Barb McMurdo, Chairman                                                            Korri Blodgett, Clerk


Expenditure Fund Totals:

Justice Fund $2,512.13 Current Expense $6,610.04
Indigent $224.50 Road & Bridge $26,379.06
District Court $326.72 Revaluation $0
Health $500.00 Landfill $706.56
Noxious Weeds $5,282.02 Elections $0
Ambulance $2,022.18 911 Communications $1,959.23
State Fund $13,938.78 Legion Memorial $4,000.00
Snowmobile $0 City of Fairfield $7,060.23
School District #121 $18,151.76 Cemetery District $129.61
West Magic Fire Dist. $250.07 Camas Mosquito Dist. $147.89
Camas County Library $2,637.87 Junior College Tuition $0
Waterways Fund $2,520.81 Range Improvement $0
Historical Society $2,100.00 Court Trust $2,585.69
May Payroll $116,047.14


Camas County Commissioners Meeting
June 15, 2015

The meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m. by Chairman Barb McMurdo.  Also present were Commissioner Ron Chapman, Commissioner Ken Backstrom, and Clerk Korri Blodgett.

The Board reviewed the agenda.  Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to approve the agenda as posted.  Seconded by Commissioner Chapman.  Unanimous.

The Board reviewed a request from the Chamber of Commerce to support the 4th of July fireworks display.  Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to contribute $250.00, in support of the fireworks display.  Seconded by Commissioner Chapman. Unanimous.

The Board discussed waiving the ambulance event fees for the Camas County Rodeo.  Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to waive the ambulance event fee.  Seconded by Commissioner Chapman.  Commissioner McMurdo abstained from voting as she is on the rodeo committee.

The Board discussed the road to the Corral cemetery.  The Board concurs that it is a dedicated county road, open to the public.

The Board reviewed the Hay Contract Agreement for services at the Airport. The agreement includes an increase of $25.00 per ton harvested, paid to the County general fund. Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to approve and sign the Hay Contract Agreement.   Seconded by Commissioner Chapman.  Unanimous.

The Board reviewed an invoice from the IAC Public Lands Trust, requesting dues to help support Idaho SRS Reauthorization services.  Commissioner Chapman made a motion to approve the request.  Seconded by Commissioner Backstrom.  Unanimous.

The Board reviewed an updated contract between Camas County and Intermountain Hospital for the provision of mental health services for involuntary mental holds from Camas County in 2014/2015.  For this contract year, Intermountain Hospital is requesting a 5% rate increase over our existing contracted rate.  This means that the current rate of $827. will increase to $868., when the new provider contract takes effect on June 1st.  Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to sign the agreement.  Seconded by Commissioner Chapman.  Unanimous.

The Board briefly discussed the noxious weed extra helps wages.  Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to approve the wages increase, effective May 28, 2015.  Seconded by Commissioner Chapman.  Unanimous.

The Board reviewed budget work papers.

The Board adjourned at 12: 05 p.m.


____________________                                                           ____________________

Barb McMurdo, Chairman                                                            Korri Blodgett, Clerk

Camas County Commissioners Meeting
June 22, 2015

The meeting was called to Order at 9:02 a.m. by Chairman Barb McMurdo.  Also present were Commissioner Ken Backstrom, Commissioner Ron Chapman, Prosecuting Attorney Matt Pember, and Clerk Korri Blodgett.

The Board reviewed the Agenda.  Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to approve the agenda as posted.  Seconded by Commissioner Chapman.  Unanimous.

Sheriff Dave Sanders met with the Board to review a Law Enforcement Assistance Agreement between Elmore County and Camas County to assist Idaho County Concerts LLC is hosting a country music concert in Elmore County on July 31-August 2, 2015.  Elmore County agrees to pay to the Assisting Agency the sum of $ 36.03 made a motion to sign the law enforcement Agreement between Elmore County and Camas County.  Seconded by Commissioner Chapman.  Unanimous.

Road and Bridge Supervisor Mike Gill and Steven Yearsley from Forsgren Associates met with the Board to discuss the bridge pilings. Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to authorize the predrilling on the Mormon bridge, along with the increase in fees.   Seconded by Commissioner Chapman.  Unanimous.

Camas Soil Conservation District Board members, Kevin Wear, Bill Davis and Brenda Moyer met with the Board to request funding for the Fiscal Year 2016.  They Sage Grouse plan wrote up, workshops they discussed the different events that they are involved in such as Arbor Day, the Shelter belt.  The Board is requesting $4800.00 for Fiscal year 2016.

The Board adjourned as a Board of Commissioners and met as a Board of Equalization.  The Board met with Ilse Hylton on a Tax Appeal on Parcel #002600000050, Lot 5 Silver Brush Subdivision. Ilse Hylton presented her case and and Assessors Lynn McGuire present information and documentation to support her assessed value.  The Board closed the hearing and adjourned as a Board of Equalization. Motion to uphold the Assessors assessed value of parcel #RP0026000000050.

The Board adjourned at 12:05.



________________________                                                                                ________________________

Barb McMurdo, Chairman                                                                            Korri Blodgett, Clerk