December 11, 2017


The meeting was called to Order at 9:05 a.m. by Chairman Travis Kramer.  Also present were Commissioner Bill Davis, Commissioner Marshall Ralph, Clerk Korri Blodgett, and an individual from the public.  Prosecuting Attorney Matt Pember was unavailable.

The Board reviewed the agenda.  Commissioner Davis made a motion to approve the agenda as posted.  Seconded by Commissioner Ralph.  Unanimous.

The Board met with Road and Bridge Supervisor Mike Gill to review a Modification of Grant with the Forest Service to provide payment for mileage for blading in Elmore County.  The agreement was signed and put into effect last spring and is now being modified to extend the date to Nov 30, 2018.  Commissioner Ralph made a motion to authorize the Chairman to sign the Modification Agreement.  Seconded by Commissioner Davis.  Unanimous.

The Board met with Joel Tews from Timberline Trash.  They discussed the temporary dump location that will be used starting January 13, 2018.  It was a consensus of the Board to allow Timberline to place a Roll-off at the East end of the airport buildings every other weekend.

The Board reviewed the Lease Agreement between Camas County and Family Health Services Corporation.  Errors were found and will be reviewed again at a later date.

The Board reviewed the minutes of November 27, 2017.  Commissioner Ralph made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected.  Seconded by Commissioner Davis.  Unanimous.

The Board discussed the door replacement for the courthouse.  After discussing with contractors, it was determined that the door does not need to be changed.

The Board reviewed the Juvenile Justice Annual Financial Report.   The report shows the funds that are received from the state for juvenile prevention program and how the restricted funds are spent.  Commissioner Ralph made a motion to approve and sign the annual financial report.  Seconded by Commissioner Davis.  Unanimous.

The Board reviewed the Camas County Commissioner’s scheduled meeting dates for 2018.  Commissioner Davis made a motion to approve the dates as presented.  Seconded by Commissioner Ralph.  Unanimous.

The Board discussed needing a cleaning/maintenance person for the courthouse.  It would probably require up to 4 hours a week and will be advertised for bid proposals.

The Board reviewed a new appointment to the Board of Health for South Central Public Health District.   It was a consensus of the Board to submit the nomination of Helen Edwards, Gooding County Commissioner to be appointed to the Board of Health for a term to begin December 2017 and ending June 30, 2020.

Dale Bunn with France, Basterrechea, Wagner & Bunn, Chtd met with the Board and presented the annual outside audit.

The Board recessed for lunch at 12:05 p.m.

The Board reconvened at 1:08 p.m.

The Board reviewed the bills as presented on the Claims List.  Commissioner Davis made a motion to approve the bills as presented.  Seconded by Commissioner Ralph.  Unanimous.  Commissioner Davis made a motion to approve the claim for Marshall Ralph.  Seconded by Commissioner Kramer.  Commissioner Ralph recused his self from voting.

Commissioner Kramer made a motion to go into Executive Session per Idaho Code 74-206(1)(a)&(b) to discuss personnel matters.  A roll call vote showed all in favor.  The Board entered Executive session at 1:45 p.m.   The Board came out of executive session at 2:05 p.m.

Expenditure Funds:  November Expenditures (Report dated 12-13-17)

Justice Fund $9,281.97 Current Expense $6,318.91
Indigent $1,335.00 Road & Bridge $51,251.39
District Court $1,391.31 Revaluation $66.16
Health $500.00 Landfill $360.00
Noxious Weeds $5,783.60 Ambulance $2,056.08
911 Communications $1,176.98 State Fund $15,244.73
City of Fairfield $15,733.01 School District #121 $81,355.44
Cemetery District $568.52 West Magic Fire Dist. $1,085.72
Camas Mosquito Dist. $1,025.48 Camas County Library $10,040.00
Elections $23.77 Tort Fund $26,492.00
November  Payroll $121,150.80 November Totals $231,090.07



_______________________                                                  __________________________

Travis Kramer, Chairman                                                          Korri Blodgett, Clerk