P & Z Minutes January

Planning & Zoning Meeting
January 3, 2017

P & Z Members Present: Jerry Nelson, Dale Smith, Jon Botz


Staff Present: Dwight Butlin P & Z Administrator

Guests: No public present

Item I Call to Order

The Planning and Zoning meeting was called to order and opened at 7:05 PM.

Item II Approval of Agenda

Jon Botz made a motion to amend the agenda to elect officers. The motion was seconded by Dale Smith. The motion carried and the agenda was amended as motioned.

Item III Reading and approval of December 6, 2016 minutes.

The minutes were reviewed and Dale Smith moved to approve the minutes as presented, seconded by Jon Botz. The motion carried and the minutes were approved as presented.

Item IV Election of officers  Dale Smith made a motion to keep the current officers.  The motion was seconded by Jon Botz.  The motion carried and Jerry Nelson with continue as chairman of the P & Z Commission.

Item VI Discussion on updating the Comp Plan and adding aviation as required by Idaho Code.

Jerry opened the meeting and a discussion was held on the Comp Plan.  Several changes were presented to the commission by the administrator and each change was reviewed with some changes being added or deleted.  The commissioners with review the presented changes and the Comp Plan at home to see if they want additional changes and then they will discuss their ideas at the next regular meeting.

Adjournment  Jon Botz made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Dale Smith.  The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.