Man-Made Meeting Minutes

Meeting Notes

Man-Made Park Steering Committee Meeting

Monday February 8th, 2016 at 2:00

Fairfield Ranger District Office

All members were present:  Bill Davis, Kortnee Fleming, Jerry Nelson, Mike McFadyen, and Mike Dettori

  • Welcome new members

New members Kortnee Fleming and Jerry Nelson were introduced as filling the vacated positions of Rod Pridmore and Jerome Hansen.

  • Review and update status of the Park and the committees work to date

For the benefit of the new members, the history of the Man-made project and the role of the Chamber of Commerce, the Soil Conservations District and this committee were reviewed. Members were brought up to speed on how we got to where we are today.

  • Determine a regular meeting schedule

It was determined that the committee will meet the 1st Monday of each month at 1:00 at the Forest Service office.  If a Monday falls on a Federal Holiday, the meeting will be held the following day.  The first meeting of this schedule will begin in April (4th).   Here are the scheduled dates:

 May 2nd           June 6th            July 5th (Tuesday)         August 1st        Sept. 6th (Tuesday) Oct. 3rd     Nov. 7th             Dec. 5th

  • Discuss funding and fund raising opportunities

There were several questions that arose concerning fundraising and the proper County protocol to use to ensure we are accurately handling money.  These questions will brought before the Commissioners to clarify and give direction to our committee.

After much discussion it was agreed that committee would like to proceed in raising funds to hire the landscape architecture firm of Beck and Baird from Boise.  It was felt that hiring a professional firm that specializes in this specific kind of development (this firm designed Eagle Island State Park in Eagle, ID), would save both time and money as this process plays out over the course of development.  Their bid of approximately $10,000 would allow them to perform the following:

  • Review the site; review County plans/ordinances/requirements/meet on-site with stakeholders to discuss their vision.
  • Utilizing maps, aerial photos and related survey data to construct an existing conditions plan that contains all existing features that may affect the master plan.
  • Develop a site analysis which will weigh impacts from location, neighborhood context, current zoning and allowed uses, natural and man-made features, utilities and climatic conditions.
  • Attend and assist at a public information and comment gathering meeting sponsored by the Committee.
  • Work with stakeholders using previously collected public input and site inventory and analysis information. From this meeting, a minimum of two concepts will be designed.  These concepts will then be further reviewed and refined.
  • With stakeholders review and input, prioritize which elements will be identified for initial development and which assigned to future phases. This information will then be used to create a final master plan with probable costs of each phase of development.
  • Determine next steps and make assignments

Jerry will set a date with Commissioners for clarification and direction.

Mike will publish and post the meeting dates as required by the open meeting laws.

Kortnee will draft a fund raising letter for us to review and discuss once we have all of our questions answered from the Commissioners.

Meeting adjourned at 15:30.