February 12th Minutes



February 12, 2018


The meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m. by Chairman Travis Kramer.  Also present were Commissioner Marshall Ralph, Commissioner Bill Davis, Clerk Korri Blodgett, and an individual from the public.  Prosecuting Attorney Matt Pember was unavailable.

The Board reviewed the Agenda.  Commissioner Davis made a motion to approve the agenda as posted.  Seconded by Commissioner Ralph.  Unanimous.

The Board discussed the Midwinter Legislative Conference that was held in Boise last week.

The Board Updated Commissioner Davis on the Cemetery Districts roads and the opening and closing of graves by Road & Bridge Dept. or private businesses.

Tax Collector Gayle Bachtell met with the Board to review the property tax cancellation that had been approved previously on LaDonna Rossellini’s delinquencies.  She has taken care of the delinquencies that were agreed upon.

The Board met with John Neely to discuss a Public Defender Video Conferencing System.  John will review the proposal and meet with the Board at a later date.

The Board discussed Non-Transport fees for ambulance calls.  They also discussed students that are no longer living within the county and if the County should continue paying for their training.  The Board is looking at a $160 non transport fee, plus supplies as needed/used.  Commissioner Kramer will be attending a EMT Board meeting on Wednesday February 14, and will provide an update at the next meeting.

County South Central Public Health District   Representative Pam Jones met with the Board to introduce the new SCPHD Director Melody Bower, but because of weather, she was unavailable.  She was hired in November and very committed to doing a great job.  She has worked for the Dept. for 15 years and was the head of the Environmental Dept.  They will set up another time to meet with the Board.

Bill Easterwood met with the Board to discuss issues that he is having with the City.  He discussed his coffee shop that he has been trying to sell for three years and he says the city refuses to deal with the drainage pipe on 2nd Avenue East that is too high and will not drain. He discussed Forest Service parking lot issues and a 50 ft. city lot he owned with 20 ft. setbacks that now makes it difficult to sale without a variance.  Bill has now sold it for half the price just to get rid of it and not have to deal with the city council anymore.

Mike Gill and Steven Yearsly met with the Board and updated the Board on the FEMA Project.  Commissioner Davis made a motion to approve and sign the Emergency Relief Fund documents.  Seconded by Commissioner Ralph.  Unanimous.

The Board reviewed the minutes of January 22, 2018.  Commissioner Ralph made a motion to approve the minutes as amended.  Seconded by Commissioner Davis.  Unanimous.

The Board reviewed the bills as presented on the claims list.  Commissioner Davis made a motion to approve the bills as presented. Seconded by Commissioner Ralph.  Unanimous.  Commissioner Davis made a motion to approve Commissioner Ralph’s claim of $280 dollars for ambulance runs.  Seconded by Commissioner Kramer.  Commissioner Ralph recused himself from voting.

There being no further business, the Board adjourned at 4:00 p.m.


_____________________                              _______________________

Travis Kramer, Chairman                                Korri Blodgett, Clerk


Expenditure Funds:  January Expenditures

Justice Fund $15,187.74 Current Expense $12,941.53
Indigent $1,400.00 Road & Bridge $37,752.77
District Court $460.57 Revaluation $2,290.92
Health $300.00 Landfill $360.00
Noxious Weeds $3,071.65 Ambulance $11,584.28
Parks & Recreation $21,274.95 Junior College Tuition $2,250.00
911 Communications $1,941.21 State Fund $16,605.46
Legion Memorial $5,500.00 Snowmobile $20,000.00
City of Fairfield $10,239.18 School District #121 $22,575.42
Cemetery District $408.10 West Magic Fire Dist. $346.90
Camas Mosquito Dist. $746.04 Camas County Library $4,969.80
January  Payroll $124,069.43 January Totals $192,206.52