April Minutes

April 10, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m. by Chairman Barb Cutler.  Also present were Commissioner Kramer, Commissioner Ralph, Prosecuting Attorney Matt Pember, and Clerk Korri Blodgett.

The Board reviewed the Agenda.  Commissioner Kramer made a motion to approve the Agenda.  Seconded by Commissioner Ralph.  Unanimous.

The Board discussed the ambulance services and fees.  Representatives from our billing agency, Whitman’s Inc., will be meeting with the Board on May 22nd at which time we will discuss the matter further.

Noxious Weed Supervisor Terry Lee met with the Board to review a Modification of Grant Agreement from the US Forest Service that included a change in funding increase of $ 5,000.00 and a revised financial plan.  Commissioner Kramer made a motion to approve and sign the Grant Agreement.  Seconded by Commissioner Ralph.  Unanimous.

The Board discussed Herd Districts.  Legal counsel Matt Pember will provide a Resolution for the Board to review at our next meeting.

Assessor Lynn McGuire met with the Board to present a casualty loss application from property owner Steve Miller, to cancel taxes on parcel No. RPF00S0033006AA.  Commissioner Kramer made a motion to approve the tax cancellation. Seconded by Commissioner Ralph.   Unanimous.  Lynn also presented the Annual Wildlife Habitat Exemption Application for the Nature Conservancy.

Chairman Cutler gave an update on the Southern Idaho Rural Development meeting she had attended.    It was a consensus of the Board to opt out of the 2017 membership with SIRD.   Commissioner Ralph will provide a letter for the Board to send out to the Director.

Planning and Zoning Administrator Dwight Butlin met with the Board to provide an update on the April 4th Planning & Zoning Regular Meeting and Workshop.

The Board recessed for lunch at 12:03 p.m.

The Board reconvened at 1:00 p.m. and reviewed the bills as presented on the claims list.  Commissioner Kramer made a motion to approve the bills as presented.  Seconded by Commissioner Ralph.  Unanimous.

Principal Jeff Rast, seniors Kyla Sanders and Austin Burns met with the Board to request funds for the 2017 project Graduation party.  Commissioner Ralph made a motion to approve the request for support of Project Graduation in the amount of $250.00., based upon the number of graduating seniors.  Seconded by Commissioner Kramer.  Unanimous.

The Board reviewed the meeting minutes of March 13th, 20th, and 27th.  Commissioner Kramer made a motion to approve the minutes as amended.  Seconded by Commissioner Ralph.  Unanimous.

The Board discussed the personnel policy. It was a consensus of the Board to amend the payroll pay period to change so it ends on the last day of the month, with employees to receive checks within 2 business days.  The clerk will send out a memo to make the employees aware of this change a month prior to the change.

The Board recessed at 3:00 p.m.

Expenditure Funds:  March Expenditures (Report dated 4-11-17)

Justice Fund $12,003.76 Current Expense $7,937.15
Indigent $145.00 Road & Bridge $30,169.68
District Court $414.72 Revaluation $0
Health $500.00 Landfill $360.00
Noxious Weeds $3,304.38 Junior College Tuition $0
Elections $355.00 Ambulance $2,198.37
911 Communications $16,514.03 State Fund $21,629.40
Legion Memorial $0 Historical Society $0
Range Improvement $0 Snowmobile $0
Court Trust $0 Waterways Fund $0
City of Fairfield $2,329.84 School District #121 $19,630.35
Cemetery District $22.08 West Magic Fire Dist. $131.33
Tort Fund $0 Camas County Library $429.74
Camas Mosquito Dist. $96.75 Parks & Recreation $3,500.00
March  Payroll $112,011.74 March Totals $121,671.58



_______________________                                                   _______________________

Barb Cutler, Chairman                                                                    Korri Blodgett, Clerk Camas County

Commissioners Meeting
April 24, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m. by Chairman Barb Cutler.  Also present were Commissioner Travis Kramer, Commissioner Marshall Ralph, Prosecuting Attorney Matt Pember, Clerk Korri Blodgett, and an individual from the public.

The Board reviewed the Agenda.  Commissioner Ralph made a motion to amend the Agenda to accept Cost share documents, as it was a time sensitive matter, and they were just provided that morning.    Seconded by Commissioner Kramer.  Unanimous.

The Board reviewed the Award of 2017 State General Fund Cost Share Agreement in the amount of $40,425.00.  Commissioner Ralph made a motion accept and sign the Award from the State of Idaho Department of Agriculture.  Seconded by Commissioner Kramer.  Unanimous.

Commissioner Cutler made a motion to go into executive session per Idaho Code 74-206(1) (f) to communicate with legal counsel regarding pending litigation.  A roll call vote showed all in favor.  The Board entered into Executive session at 9:18 a.m.  Upon a motion duly made, seconded and unanimous, the Board came out of Executive session at 9:25 a.m.

The Board briefly discussed the RAC Board.

The Board reviewed a proposed Herd District Resolution. Commissioner Kramer made a motion to approve Resolution #179, declaring the Camas County Herd District void as a matter of law.  Seconded by Commissioner Ralph.  Unanimous.

The Board discussed the airport manager position.  The Board reappointed Winston Ellis as Airport Manager, for a term of 4 years.

Assessor Lynn McGuire met with the Board to present a casualty loss application from property owner Theron Koepnick, to cancel taxes against Parcel No. MH00110003270AA. Commissioner Kramer made a motion to approve the tax cancellation.  Seconded by Commissioner Ralph.  Unanimous.

County Agent Cindy Kinder met with the Board and gave an update on all the activities in the Extension office.  She discussed the 4-H programs that are available and the overall participation. Cindy provided a Summary of Activities for the Camas and Gooding County Extension for Jan-March.

US Forest Service employee John Pine met with the Board to discuss the Forest Service Pack Test.  The event provides physical fitness training for Forest Service and firefighting personnel.  It will be held on June 1st and June 5th at the school, they are requesting one EMT and a defibrillator for stand- by.  Commissioner Ralph made a motion to approve a $100 per event fee.  Seconded by Commissioner Kramer.  Unanimous.

The Board discussed the ICRMP training with Jim McNall on April 17th at the City office.

Commissioner Cutler made a motion to go into Executive Session per Idaho Code 74-206-(1)(a) & (b) to consider personnel matters.  A roll call vote showed all in favor.  The Board entered into Executive session at 11:20 a.m. The Board came out of executive session at 11:45 a.m.

Road and Bridge Supervisor Mike Gill met with the Board to discuss the County Emergency Disaster Declaration.  Mike felt that the County would not know the extent of the damages incurred until later and would like to extend the Emergency Declarations until June 26th. Commissioner Kramer made a motion to approve and extend the Emergency Disaster Declaration.  Seconded by Commissioner Ralph.  Unanimous.

Mike also discussed the cemetery opening and closing of graves fees for the Cemetery Board. He has created and provided a service request form to be used for each event.

The Board reviewed the Contract for Services between Blaine County and Camas County.  The agreement provides snow removal by Blaine County for the 5.3 miles of West Magic Road that is located in Camas County. Commissioner Kramer made a motion to sign the snow removal agreement.  Seconded by Commissioner Ralph.  Unanimous.

The Board adjourned at 12:28 p.m.


____________________                                                                           _____________________________

Barb Cutler, Chairman                                                                    Korri Blodgett, Clerk