
Notice of Election

The General Election will be held Tuesday, November 8, 2022. Polls are open 8:00 a.m to 8:00 p.m.

Polling Places:

Precinct 1: American Legion Hall (114 E Camas Ave.)
Precinct 2: Camas Community Center (127 W.  Willow Ave.)

Any person who is physically unable to vote at his / her designated polling place may contact the County Clerk for Absentee Ballot before 5:00 p.m. on October 28, 2022.

Primary Election Candidates May 17, 2022

Second District Commissioner (4 Year Term): 

  • Marshall Ralph

Third District Commissioner (2 Year Term):   

  • Travis Kramer (Incumbent)
  • Nicholas Weatherly

County Clerk (4 Year Term)

  • Connie C. Johnson
  • Brianna Walter

Treasurer (4 Year Term)

  • Michelle Dalin
  • Deanna L. Hoskinson (Incumbent)

Assessor (4 Year Term)

  • Lynn McGuire

Camas County Coroner (4 Year Term)

  • Wesley A. Walker

Precinct Committeeman (Republican)

  • Precinct 1: Steve Miller
  • Precinct 2: Dennis R. Strom

Precinct Committeeman (Democrat)

  • Precinct 1: Robert M. Rodman
  • Precinct 2: Stephanie Jewett