July 11, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 9:01 a.m. by Chairman Barb McMurdo.  Also present were Commissioner Ken Backstrom, Commissioner Ron Chapman, Prosecuting Attorney Matt Pember, Clerk Korri Blodgett, and an individual from the public.

The Board reviewed the Agenda.  Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to approve the Agenda as posted.  Seconded by Commissioner Chapman.  Unanimous.

The Board met with Camas Conservation District Administrative Assistant Brenda Moyer, Board members’ Bill Davis, Bonnie Gough, and State Representative Steve Miller.  They gave a presentation in support of a request for funds support for Fiscal Year 2017.

Assessor Lyn McGuire met with the Board and presented the 2016 Property Assessment Roll.

The Board reviewed the meeting minutes for June.  Commissioner Chapman made a motion to approve the minutes of June as corrected.  Seconded by Commissioner Backstrom.  Unanimous.

The Board reviewed an application for a Certificate of Residency application for CSI tuition.  Commissioner Chapman made a motion to approve and sign the Certificate of Residency.  Seconded by Commissioner Backstrom.  Unanimous.

Commissioner McMurdo made a motion to go into Executive Session, per Idaho Code 74-206(1) (a)(b) to discuss to discuss personnel matters.  A roll call vote showed all in favor.  The Board entered into executive session at 10:10 a.m.   The Board came out of executive session at 10:24 am.

Treasurer Gayle Bachtell met with the Board to review the May Financial Statements.  Gayle also gave an update on voiding a tax cancelation at West Magic that had been approved on the June 20th meeting.  The individual has contacted Gayle, provided a new address, paid the mobile home tax due amount and made payment arrangements for the real property, thus making the cancelation unnecessary.  Gayle also discussed a sewer and water assessment that was done in January and now is being reversed to allow the money to go towards his city water bill and allow him to make payments on his property taxes.

The Board reviewed the bills.  Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to approve the bills as presented on the claims list.  Seconded by Commissioner Chapman.  Unanimous.   Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to approve the bill for parts and supplies to Valley Service.  Seconded by Commissioner McMurdo.  Commissioner Chapman recused himself from voting.

The Board adjourned at 12:45 p.m.



_________________________                                                             ____________________

Barb McMurdo, Chairman                                                                            Korri Blodgett, Clerk

Expenditure Fund Totals July 2016:

Justice Fund $8,654.13 Current Expense $6,824.71
Indigent $200.00 Road & Bridge $13,272.39
District Court $585.33 Revaluation $1,468.41
Health $500.00 Landfill $360.00
Noxious Weeds $22,309.30 Junior College Tuition $0
Elections $0 Ambulance $6,955.40
911 Communications $1,169.42 State Fund $18,630.73
Legion Memorial $0 Historical Society $0
Range Improvement $0 Snowmobile $0
Court Trust $0 Waterways Fund $0
City of Fairfield $48,433.02 School District #121 $155,534.29
Cemetery District $1,149.92 West Magic Fire Dist. $1,653.70
Camas Mosquito Dist. $3,324.61 Camas County Library $22,183.37
June Payroll $118,726.96

July 18, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m. by Chairman Barb McMurdo.  Also present were Commissioner Ken Backstrom, Commissioner Ron Chapman, Prosecuting Attorney Matt Pember, and Clerk Korri Blodgett.

The Board reviewed the agenda.  Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to approve the agenda as posted.  Seconded by Commissioner Chapman.  Unanimous.

The Board met with Lesia Knowlton and Laira Thomas to discuss the ambulance runs, fees, and on call services.  They discussed claims that had been denied due to the fact that the invoice were for individuals that are in training, not yet certified, and would therefore be a potential liability for the county. The Clerk will check into the insurance needs necessary to cover a trainee or basic EMT’s.  The Board will also check into what is necessary to access a Non-Transport fee for an ambulance responding and not transporting.  The Board also discussed a need to have a contract to define positions, authority, and training services.

The Board reviewed a Certificate of Residency Application for CSI tuition.  Commissioner Chapman made a motion to approve the Certificate of Residence.  Seconded by Commissioner Backstrom.  Unanimous.

Treasurer Gayle Bachtell met with the Board to review the June Monthly Financial Statements.

The Board met with Kathy Mennenga, ad hoc member of the Man Made Park project Board, She stated that she will be helping out with the fund raising and grant writing.  It was a consensus of the Board to have Chairman Barb McMurdo be the contact person as needed.

Southern Idaho Rural Development Director Julia Oxarano-Ingram met with the Board and gave an update on community & economic development programs.

The Board adjourned at 12:15 p.m.


________________________                                                _____________________________

Barb McMurdo, Chairman                                            Korri Blodgett, Clerk

July 25, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m. by Chairman Barb McMurdo.  Also present were Commissioner Ken Backstrom, Commissioner Ron Chapman, Prosecuting Attorney Matt Pember, Clerk Korri Blodgett, and two individuals from the public.

The Board reviewed the Agenda.  Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to approve the agenda as posted.  Seconded by Commissioner Chapman.  Unanimous.

The Board discussed recent correspondence relating to public defense commission, upcoming conferences, and Nez Pearce plat issues.

The Board discussed the 40 acres of farmable ground that the County owns.  The Board will advertise for proposals to see if there is an interest in farming this ground.

The Board discussed different waterway projects that we are looking into helping out with.

The Board took a recess and Commissioner Backstrom excused himself as he had another obligation.

The Board reconvened at 11:25 to meet with Kimberly Simmons, Public Defense Commissions’ Executive Director.   She explained the changes that have come in the public defense and what grants are available and the requirements to apply for assistance with public defense.  An initial grant is available and will be submitted by Monday, August 1, 2016.

The Board adjourned at 12 noon.


_____________________                                        __________________________

Barb McMurdo, Chairman                                            Korri Blodgett, Clerk