April 11, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m. by Chairman Barb McMurdo.  Also present were Commissioner Ron Chapman, Commissioner Ken Backstrom, Clerk Korri Blodgett, and an individual from the public.

The Board reviewed the Agenda.  Commissioner Backstrom discussed the incorrect posting of having a public hearing regarding the proposed resolution to amend the 911 communications fund and it is for review and discussion only.  Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to approve the agenda as amended.  Seconded by Commissioner Chapman.  Unanimous.

Road and Bridge Supervisor Mike Gill met with the Board and discussed the fees to open and close graves for the Cemetery District.  The Board will review a proposed resolution at the next meeting to reflect necessary changes.

Sheriff Dave Sanders met with the Board to discuss the need to reopen the 911 Communications budget due to an unforeseen expense on the 911 emergency phone system upgrades.  Dave discussed the new systems expenses have been higher than anticipated and that the fund has unanticipated revenues to cover these expenses.

Man-Made Board member Jerry Nelson met with the Board to discuss the project, the fund raising needs, water rights, and the new Zoning Ordinances.

The Board reviewed the March meeting minutes.  Commissioner Chapman made a motion to approve the minutes.  Seconded by Commissioner McMurdo.  Unanimous.

Commissioner Chapman made a motion to approve the bills as presented on the claims list.  Seconded by Commissioner Backstrom.  Unanimous.  Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to approve the claim as submitted by Valley Service.  Seconded by Commissioner McMurdo.  Commissioner Chapman recused himself from voting.  Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to approve the bill from Camas Creek Country Store.  Seconded by Commissioner Chapman. Commissioner McMurdo recused herself from voting.

The Board contacted Prosecuting Attorney Matt Pember by phone to discuss the commissioner district boundaries.  The Board also discussed Idaho Code 34-107, “Residence” Defined.

The Board briefly discussed the requirement of pre-approval of expenditures in the amount of $500.00.

The Board recessed for lunch.

The Board reconvened at 1:00 P.M. and met with a Representative from the Office of Veterans Advocacy to discuss the  Veterans Service Officer in Camas County.

The Board adjourned at 1:30 pm.



_______________________                                                  _________________________

Barb McMurdo, Chairman                                                     Korri Blodgett, Clerk

Expenditure Fund Totals:

Justice Fund $3,504.01 Current Expense $17,773.98
Indigent $0 Road & Bridge $10,658.53
District Court $621.14 Revaluation $0
Health $500.00 Landfill $360.00
Noxious Weeds $489.56 Junior College Tuition $0
Elections $1.89 Ambulance $1,490.63
911 Communications $17,598.69 State Fund $20,176.91
Legion Memorial $5,000.00 Historical Society $0
Range Improvement $602.36 Snowmobile $0
Court Trust $0 Waterways Fund $0
City of Fairfield $1,299.57 School District #121 $2,562.79
Cemetery District $18.60 West Magic Fire Dist. $211.87
Camas Mosquito Dist. $48.44 Camas County Library $1,120.57
March Payroll $111,082.60

April 18, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 9:05 am. by Chairman Barb McMurdo. Also present were Commissioner Ron Chapman, Commissioner Ken Backstrom, Prosecuting Attorney Matt Pember, Deputy Clerk Annie Frostenson and an individual from the public.

The Board reviewed the Agenda. Commissioner Backstrom discussed tabling the agenda item to Review/Consideration of Indigent Case #1C-2016-10003 until next week’s meeting. Also, agenda item to discuss Commissioner Districts should be moved to an earlier time.  Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to approve the agenda as amended. Seconded by Commissioner Chapman. Unanimous.

Commissioners reviewed a Wool Growers Association letter in regards to re-nominating David Coates for the District 3 Animal Damage Control Board. The Board will revisit this item next week.

The Board reviewed a request from Wood River RC&D for donations to be put towards the weather modification program. The Board will discuss this further when working on the budget.

Commissioner Chapman nominated Tim Edwards for Camas County Veterans Service Officer. Seconded by Commissioner McMurdo. Unanimous.

Sheriff Dave Sanders was present to discuss amending the 911 Communications Fund. The Board will finish this item next week when the Resolution is finalized.

Prosecuting Attorney Matt Pember discussed with the Board about Commissioner Districts. IAC had explained that there is no action to be taken when a commissioner moves out of their district temporarily with the intent to return to their elected District. However, as soon as the Commissioner’s intent to move back within their elected District changes, action must be taken.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:37 a.m.



_______________________                                                  _________________________

Barb McMurdo, Chairman                                                     Annie Frostenson, Clerk

April 25, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m. by Chairman Barb McMurdo.  Also present were Commissioner Ken Backstrom, Commissioner Ron Chapman, Prosecuting Attorney Matt Pember, and Clerk Korri Blodgett.

The Board reviewed the Agenda.  Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to approve the Agenda as posted.  Seconded by Commissioner Chapman.  Unanimous.

The Board met with Planning and Zoning Administrator Dwight Butlin to discuss a TAP (Transportation Alternative Program) grant.  Dwight discussed putting in for $100,000.00 grant that requires 7.43% match in funds.  He discussed the idea of putting in a bike path from town and into, and through the Man-made park project.  It was a consensus of the Board to have Dwight move forward with the grant process.

The Board held a public hearing at 9:45 a.m. to hear proposed Resolution # 175, relating to amending the 911 Communications Budget.  No one from the public appeared, and with no additional comments from the Board, the public hearing closed.  Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to approve Resolution # 175.  Seconded by Commissioner Chapman.  Unanimous.

The Board reviewed and affirmed the nomination of two new Appointments to the Board of Health, for South Central Public Health District.

Commissioner Chapman made a motion to authorize the Chairman to sign a Letter of Support for the Southern Idaho Tourism.  Seconded by Commissioner Backstrom.  Unanimous.

The Board discussed the yearly trash clean-up day between the County and City.

It was the consensus of the Board to re-nominate Mr. Dave Coates as director from Camas County to the District #3 Animal Damage Control Board.

Treasurer Gayle Bachtell met with the Board to review the monthly financial statements.

Assessor Lynn McGuire met with the Board and presented a tax Exemption application for the Nature Conservancy.

Welfare Director Annie Frostenson met the Board to review Case # 1C-2016-10003.

The Board went in to executive session per Idaho Code 74-206(1)(d) to consider records that are exempt from public disclosure.  A roll call vote showed all in favor.  The Board entered into executive session at 11:02 a.m.  The Board came out of executive session at 11: 15 a.m.

Commissioner Backstrom made a motion to approve Case # 1C-2016-10003, based upon the findings.   Seconded by Commissioner Chapman.  Unanimous.

The Board reviewed a proposed Ordinance, relating to Regulating Licensing Entertainment Assemblies.

The Board adjourned at 12:02 p.m.


______________________                                                     ____________________________

Barb McMurdo, Chairman                                                            Korri Blodgett, Clerk