Camas County Commissioners Meeting

June 18, 2018


The meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m. by Chairman Travis Kramer.  Also present were Commissioner Bill Davis, Clerk Korri Blodgett, and two individuals from the public.  Commissioner Ralph had a prior commitment.

The Board reviewed the Agenda.  Commissioner Davis made a motion to approve the Agenda.   Seconded by Commissioner Kramer.  Unanimous.

The Board reviewed the meeting minutes of June 11, 2018.  Commissioner Kramer made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected.  Seconded by Commissioner Davis.  Unanimous.

The Board met with Treasurer Gayle Bachtell and reviewed the monthly financial reports.  Gayle also reviewed her 2019 budget requests.

Sheriff Dave Sanders met with the Board to review the Sheriffs Departments fiscal year 2019 budget requests.  Dave also discussed a fingerprinting/palm reader and an intox machine that is needing to be replaced.  He is applying for a mini grant to purchase a compliant hand- held intox machine.

Virgil Tinker met with the Board to discuss a Highway District in West Magic.  They have contacted Blaine County and they are not interested.  It is not feasible, so they are interested in a Local Improvement District.  They also have formed an LLC.  He will keep the Board updated and aware of any upcoming meetings.

Planning and Zoning Administrator Dwight Butlin met with the Board and reviewed his 2019 budget requests.

The Board reviewed a Certificate of Residency Application for Kristopher Martin.  Commissioner Davis made a motion to approve the application.  Seconded by Commissioner Kramer.  Unanimous.

The Board reviewed a proposed ambulance resolution.  Commissioner Davis made a motion to approve and adopt Resolution # 182   to establish ambulance fees.  Seconded by Commissioner Kramer.  Unanimous.

The Board discussed a proposed road abandonment of a 40-foot right-of-way described as “A strip of land 40 feet wide along the West side of the East Half of the East Half of Section 8, Township 1 South, Range 16 East Boise Meridian.”   The Board will set for Public Hearing on July 23, at 10:00 a.m.

The Board reviewed an ambulance standby events request.  They would like to have fees waived on July 13 and 14 for the Rodeo event.  Commissioner Davis made a motion to approve the request.  Seconded by Commissioner Kramer.  Unanimous

The Board reviewed a $250 budget request from Southern Idaho Tourism.  Commissioner Davis made a motion to approve the request.  Seconded by Commissioner Kramer.  Unanimous.

The Board discussed the Natural Resource Litigation Fund.  It was a consensus of the Board to decline to participate.

Commissioner Ralph joined the meeting at 11:25 a.m.  The Board discussed upcoming meeting agendas.

The board adjourned at 12:08 p.m.



_______________________              _______________________

Travis Kramer, Chairman                    Korri Blodgett, Clerk

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